Unemployment Claims and Appeals

Too often we see honest hard workers, who find themselves unemployed through no fault of their own and looking for a new job, realize that they have to fight for their unemployment benefits. As they struggle to make ends meet, they realize that it is not always easy to navigate the unemployment process, and may even find themselves disqualified from benefits. It is often a challenge for New Jersey employees to collect unemployment. Sometimes the employer will fight unemployment and provide information that makes it difficult to collect. Sometimes the Department of Labor will make it very difficult and disqualify claimants incorrectly.
At Wall & London LLC in South Jersey, our unemployment attorneys can explain the unemployment process to you and make it easier to navigate. We are extremely experienced in the unemployment process, appeal hearings, and unemployment laws. We know the best way to present your case to ensure that you do not fall into a trap that lands you with a disqualification.
We handle unemployment claims and appeals on an affordable, flat-fee basis. The flat fee depends on the stage of the unemployment process in which you find yourself, and includes an initial interview, contact with the Department of Labor, review of transcripts and documents, legal brief when required, and personal representation at your hearing. We are very proud of our success rates, and it has been shown that claimants with attorneys win their unemployment benefits far more often with an attorney than then they try to figure it out on their own. We strongly recommend that anyone applying for unemployment or appealing a determination be represented by counsel and those in the South Jersey area can look to Wall & London LLC for that legal guidance. There are many potential pitfalls in this process, and representation will greatly increase your chances of successfully collecting benefits without disqualification.
You went to work every day and did your best, and still lost your job due to factors beyond your control. If you need help with your initial claim, or if you need to appeal a disqualification, , it’s time to hand over your case the experts at Wall & London LLC who can give you the best chance possible to right this wrong.